Teen VogueThe Case for Her challenged us to develop branded content that brings attention to female sexual health education and the pleasure gap.

As a man, curiosity forced me to dive into the bowels of the internet to uncover what it’s like for a woman online. I saw how slut shaming hinders young women from exploring their bodies and sexuality. In fear of being labeled “sluts” they often suppress their true selves.

We wanted to remind young women how ridiculously overused slut shaming is by highlighting the fact that according to the patriarchy, anyone can cross the (incredibly thin and made up) line between being virtuous and a slut.

AD: Diana Arutyunyan | CW: Me

We developed a sarcastic guidebook Teen Vogue fans could order, packed full of surprising tips on how to avoid being slut shamed.

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We also developed an instagram meme page, with real (ridiculous) examples of slut shaming online. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

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Recognizing the power of this campaign (and knowing Teen Vogue’s connections), we proposed partnering with celebs to have them share their stories of slut shaming. Starting a movement and keeping this conversation going online.

Good content campaigns leave no stone unturned, so we developed individualized kits to send to popular influencers across different topics online, again to start a movement and keep the conversation going.

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